What is your characters name?Takkess
What class is it?Shaman (Resto)
attuned for karazhan?Almost
Can you raid at the times 20:00gt- 23:00gt on sunday, tuesday and thursday?Yes sometime 22:30 i have to quit not all the time
are you willing to respec?Sure
Link for the WoW armoury page of your character:Can't find myself but got 6.9k Life and 9.5k mana. +600 Healing
Are you looking for social or hardcore raiding?both
Do you have previous raiding experience? if so explain which raids.
Onyxia, MC,BWl,Naxx,AQ
Why do you think you would make a good addition to the guild?u said u need healers and i won't stop healing till i am OOM
Tell us a bit about yourself (no more than 50 words):19 years, Dutch, Male, Online from 18:00 till 22:00/23:00, working on weekly days