What is your characters name?
My main character's name is Fosj.
What class is it?
attuned for karazhan?
Dont need one.
Can you raid at the times 20:00gt- 23:00gt on sunday, tuesday and thursday?
I can raid at 20:00gt - 23:00gt on sundays and thursdays, on tuesdays i got football practise.
are you willing to respec?
Ofcourse, i'am resto atm. But have gear for Tanking, Dpsing and healing.
Link for the WoW armoury page of your character:
Fosj, Kjedligtrusa, Xurioz.
Are you looking for social or hardcore raiding?
right in between.
Do you have previous raiding experience? if so explain which raids.
I have raiding exp since lvl 60, all the 60 raids but naxx. Also all the 70 raids but Sunwell.
Why do you think you would make a good addition to the guild?
The guild needs healers and dps'ers. I can do both. I'am a nice guy that's allways up for raiding etc when i'am online. wich is quite often i might add.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I'am a 17 year old from Norway. I've been playing wow for quite a time. I'am social and have nice mature humor.
In addition to playing wow, i am active in real life. Wich means some weekends i might be out of town, and away from my computer.
Though i will do my best to attend to all the raids you need me for. My previous guild were sad when i left, i left becouse i was migrating to another realm. They actually made a goodbye train with over 70 ppl walking for me
. Well, thats some first impression, feel free to contact me ingame on character; Fosj.