What is your characters name? Matthews
What class is it? Mage
attuned for karazhan? Yes
Can you raid at the times 20:00gt- 23:00gt on sunday, tuesday and thursday? I can raid every day
are you willing to respec? Yes
Link for the WoW armoury page of your character:
Are you looking for social or hardcore raiding? tbh. i dont care, iim looking for raids where you have a good time
Do you have previous raiding experience? if so explain which raids.
Pre. TBC: ZG (Full), MC (Full), BWL (Full)
TBC: Kara (Full), ZA (Only bird boss)
Why do you think you would make a good addition to the guild? Since you are looking for DPS, i would provide the guild with DPS
Tell us a bit about yourself (no more than 50 words): Im from Denmark, i have 3 lvl 70, a 59 and 58
Btw: I know i dont have good gear, but atm. im working on upgrading it - mainly with PvP but i also do some instance - For raids i will be Fire since that is the best DPS