What is your characters name?
What class is it?
attuned for karazhan?
Only BM left..doing it today
Can you raid at the times 20:00gt- 23:00gt on sunday, tuesday and thursday?
Ye almost every time depends on my ice-hockey training
are you willing to respec?
Yes I'm but you don't want me as dps warr^^
Link for the WoW armoury page of your character:
Are you looking for social or hardcore raiding?
Most Social
Do you have previous raiding experience? if so explain which raids.
Got raid experience in Kara,Gruul,Maggy,Za with my priest who is on another serv
Why do you think you would make a good addition to the guild?
Because I'm a nice person that like to talk
Tell us a bit about yourself (no more than 50 words):
I'm a guy who is 14 years old soon 15. On my spare time i'm playing ice-hockey, coming from sweden.