What is your characters name? Belarith
What class is it? Bloodelf
attuned for karazhan? Yes, exalted even. :p
Can you raid at the times 20:00gt- 23:00gt on sunday, tuesday and thursday? Yes, 4weeks out of 6. Would like to start earlier if possible.
are you willing to respec? Not really, maby to healer because of my current gear.
Link for the WoW armoury page of your character:
Are you looking for social or hardcore raiding? Raiding as much as possible... :p
Do you have previous raiding experience? if so explain which raids. Done alla the old 20-40man Raids as a Shammy-healer. Done Karah up to Prince with this char as a Tank in a wery small guild.
Why do you think you would make a good addition to the guild? I'm a fun loving guy, that likes to help up in instanses and raids, but not so much PvP.
Tell us a bit about yourself (no more than 50 words): I'm 33years old, from Sweden, played WoW for some years now. I was raiding in a nice guild 5days a week but during to my work hours I dropped from hardcore-raider to social member with my shammy after a years raiding cus they had to top the raid-team.